Friday, October 2, 2009

Trey is getting so big and knows so much but he will not put words together for me. As a first time mother I asked why he wasn't putting words together yet. Just like before, he was able to say mom and dad and that was it. I was worried and asked the doctor. She said it will come. Then Trey knew lost of words in a matter of weeks. Well know my dilemma is putting words together. She is actually amazed at how many words he can say and how clear they are. Once again she said give it time. I knew that is what she was going to say. But he does things his own way. I don't know where he gets it... lol...

I painted Kiya's nail pink today when we got home from running around. She is soo cute. Trey and Kiya get along so well. When we go to the park Kiya fallows Trey where ever he goes. Kiya will be 13 weeks old tomorrow. She already knows to wine at the door to do out, sit, come, and high five. I am trying to teach her to lay down but she just wants to give me high fives. She is cute.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where to Start

Brad and I got laid off from Yoh, that works for Harris Communications. Well Brad got laid off June 29th and I got laid off June 30th. We were the last group to be laid off and the first to be called back September 14th. I collected unemployment but it wasn't enough. Brad did get a job while we were unemployed. The boss was a jerk. He wanted Brad to work 13 hour days from August 29th to October 1st with no day off. He did this for 2 1/2 weeks. I would have a conversation with him at night and he would have no clue in the morning what we talked about. I showed him a new outfit I got and he told me he liked it and commented about it. The next morning he saw it laying out and he asked where I got it. That was the last straw for me. He was too stressed. So he put in his 2 weeks when Yoh called and said they would like us to come back. Trey and I met Brad for lunch a few days before we went back to Harris and he was exhausted and just called his boss on lunch and told him he wouldn't be back. He came home and slept for a couple of hours. I felt bad for him.

Then when we went in for paperwork for Yoh Brad was promoted from assembly B to Tech A. So we decided to go and get me that SUV I have been wanting forever. Then after we went though all the paperwork at the dealership we get a call saying you have to be a Harris employee to be a tech A. That really upset Brad. But he was happy that I got a car that he can fit in. He is such a good man because he loves it when I am happy. Well maybe just a smart!! He is a good man.

I got a 2004 Ford, Escape. It is a 4wd, with heated leather seats, backup beepers, and a 6 disc changer.

Brad wants a bike REALLY bad so instead of getting a bike he got a Golden Retriever. I named her Kiya. Trey and Kiya hit it off right away. We go to the park or walk outside she fallows Trey. They pick on each other all the time. They are funny. Our neighbor/ friend has a 5 month old black lab/ Germain Shepard. They love each other. Our neighbors dog runs down here to see if Kiya is out and he sits at the garage door when Kiya is inside and he is in the garage. It is puppy love. She was born on the 4th of July.

Trey just got a potty today because Brad took Trey's diaper off this morning and he stood up and said pee pee while he was peeing on the floor. Then later Trey took is own diaper off and started peeing on the floor and said pee pee. I told Brad we HAD to get a potty. I saw a potty that was $30 that made a flush sound, had a toilet paper holder, and sang when you peed and said good job. I bought the old fashion 3 way potty. It sits on the floor, you can take the seat out to put it on the big potty, and it is a step stool. All for $9.50.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Long Time No Talk

I haven't been on for a VERY long time. I changed my password and I forgot it. I was using an e-mail address. Such as the one I use for here. I tried logging on to aol and hoping that it would ask me a question, like what was your first pet's name or something, but I wasn't that lucky. It said it set it to the alternative address. Which I though was my grandma. I asked her to send me my password if she got it in an e-mail. She said she never got one. I might just start a facebook and start a new myspace later. Well we are getting ready to go to I Hop so I better get off here. I will get on later.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Trey's Bed

Sitting on his Bed watching CMT. Music videos.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Garage Sales

I LOVE going to garage sales. It is like a garage sale. You never know what your going to find. Brad HATES them. Hates garage sales. He calls it junk. I made him go out with me because I didn't feel comfortable going by myself. I went to a few of them around my neighborhood a few weeks ago and Brad doesn't think it is junk when he finds something. You know how people are. Well I told Brad I was going to go to this Church sale and then I would head home because Trey was getting tired. Well at the last stop I found a blue car bed. I loved it I grabbed it as soon as I saw it. I was surprised it was still there.

I also liked the fact that all the money that was made was going to a youth play area that was a little further back in the woods behind the church. The lady that was running it was telling me about it when I was waiting for Brad to get out of the car to look at it. They have a basketball court and playground for teens and what not to hang out on so they won't get into trouble. I think it is a good idea. I was thinking about joining there church. They seem like very nice people.

I didn't even get it in the house yet and Trey was climbing all over it. After I cleaned it up I went to Wal-mart for a new bed set. I wanted a cars bed set but I didn't want a red one. I was so happy when I saw a blue one to match his bed. I didn't let Trey or anyone see it until I had the bed set on it. When Trey first saw it he screamed and climbed in his bed. He loves sleeping in his "big boy" bed.

The first few nights he didn't sleep well. I told Brad that we should take the pillow off and see how he sleeps because he isn't used to a pillow. That night he slept until 6 which isn't as long as he usually sleeps but it is a new bed. He has done really well and I talked to his doctor and she said he is physically and mentally inclined for his age so she sees no problem with it. I love his doctor A LOT. She is a great person along with being personable and tells you what you need to know. Just like what a pediatrician should be, she is great with kids and have kids of her own.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lafayette, IN

I am going to be flying for my first time in June. I am going back to Lafayette Indiana. Where I was born and raised. Everyone always comments on how I say thing or what I say. Like I call my grandma, mammaw, and my grandpa, pappaw. I also call my great aunt, mammie and I called her husband Pappy. I guess they don't hear that stuff very often. I got made fun of for saying leart instead of learned all the time in Lafayette and they do the same in New York. My English teacher used to correct me all the time.

Just like people in small towns think that New York is nothing but city. Everyone in New York thinks that Indiana is one big cornfield. Which people from either state knows that's not true. There are more woods in Rochester than there are in Lafayette.

Oh they hardly ever get tornadoes here. I over herd this one guy say what's the point of having a basement? Storage. I was thinking "man he ain't from Indiana". Everyone in Indiana has to have a basement. We have one so if there is a tornado we will be good. Anything can happen.

Back to the flying thing. I am so excited. I can't wait to fly. Brad thinks I am going to be scared when the landing gear goes in and what not. I don't think so. Trey might get a little worried but I'm not sure about that either. I don't think he will if we don't act scared or anything. I am counting down the days to leave. Brad's friend Dan is coming up to visit on the 6th of June and leaving the 13th. That is right before we leave.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trey's New Look

It has been pretty hot here for the past couple of weeks. Trey was in need of a hair cut. Well to need. Ya his hair was "BARLEY" touching his ears but when it gets there it means he needs a haircut. I cut it a little shorter than I usually do because of the warm weather. You can always put a hat on him if it gets a little chilly. He looks so cute. I do get those stupid comments like " If I wanted to cut on someones hair than I need to go back to beauty school." What I said in return is I like it and he is my son so I can cut his hair the way I want to. It is how all the little kid are doing there hair. That was the only rood comment I have gotten so far and I don't care. Look at the mullet everyone one had back in the day. I think that is ugly. Do we need to really need to start that conversation.
I have a better picture on my phone:(